What we can with Flickr

Before talking about Flickr in the instructional settings, it is better to know what we can do with Flickr.

1) Tell a story with your photos.
2) Share your photos with friends and family with flexible privacy control.
3) Connect Flickr account to Facebook, Twitter, Bloggin, Yahoo! and even on your site.
4) Upload your photos to the web by mobile device, email, browser or Flickr’s desktop application.
5) Organize your photos into sets and from sets into collections.
6) Explore the places through geotagged photos on Flickr.
7) Check out photostream of many interesting events such as NASA Goddard Photo and Video's photostream and the White House photostream
8) Connect to others who share your interests as ten-million plus groups are in Flickr!

Now can you guess how we can use Flickr in our classroom?
6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:


    The teacher should provide the sources and gives them the examples for explanation . After that prompts them to exchange the information and communicate each other.

    Ratana Rasmimariya

  2. Thinnakorn Says:

    Flickr is one of very powerful tools used to gain attendtion from students, especially online social networking. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, this Social Networking tool is very useful. Sometimes pictures can say best.

  3. Ornisa Says:

    Yes, Bro. Thinnakorn. Flickr is an online community where people can share and show their interests through images. Do you use Flickr?

  4. Ornisa Says:

    Hi Ratana,
    Right. Students can exchange their ideas about the pictures related to their lessons from Flickr.

  5. Leigh Says:

    Hi Ornisa! I think that Flickr would be a great way for us in the states and those of you in Thailand to share pictures of us and our lives. It's a great way to do cultural exchange without buying a plane ticket and traveling for 30 hours!

  6. Ornisa Says:

    Hi Leigh,
    Cultural exchange in Flick, yes. Very good idea, indeed.