Ideas to Use Flickr in Education

  1. Any lessons aiming to promote and build visual literacy skills in students.

  2. Use single photographs for writing prompts (either creative or interpretive writing).

  3. Use multiple image sets for digital storytelling projects.

  4. Use photographs to do image analysis in Art class.

  5. Use photographs for visual argument in any subject.

  6. Study geography from geotag function of Flickr. Photograph can be linked to the source of the photo, permitting a visual, geographical study of a particular place.

  7. Create virtual field trips. Check out this photostream for amazing shots of interesting places.

  8. Teach students about intellectual property rights. Members can apply a variety of Creative Commons licensing to the photographs.

  9. Create slideshow in Flickr.

  10. Create digital visual portfolios.

  11. Create visual documentation of school events and students’ works.

  12. Use Flickr to create a database of school projects. RSS (really simple syndication) feed of Flickr will allow parents and other community members who subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified when new photos are uploaded.

Summarized from “Using Flickr in the Classroom” by David Jakes

6 Responses
  1. It's fantastic ideas. There are so many ways to use flickr in the classroom. The teacher should use flickr properly in teaching.
    It helps them to think critically about something.

  2. Ornisa Says:

    Hi Ratana,
    Yes, Flickr can help students with critical thinking. For example, to do storytelling from photos, students will have to organize their knowledge in order to present a story.

  3. Joe Fields Says:

    Flickr, can be a creative way to interact students critical thinking as your stated. Im trying to think of a way to engage athletes with it.

  4. JennRosas Says:

    These are great ideas! I would like to discover ways to use Flickr in our training sessions. Do you know if we can upload any type of file such as flow charts, PowerPoint slides, or PDF files?

  5. Benjamas Says:

    Very interesting! I have an idea to use it with my students,now they are learning paint program and have created many good works so they can make it as digital visual portfolio or slideshow.Will try it soon!

  6. Ornisa Says:

    Hi Benjamas,
    Glad that my blog can give you some ideas for your class. Try it!