Virtual museums can build up

Computer enjoyment – Pleasure a student derives from using computers

Computer Importance – The perceived value or significance of knowing how to use computers

Computer Learning Engagement – Students are actively involved in their own learning by using computers

Virtual museum and inquiry-based learning

Virtual museum is a database-driven source where the student can explore and learn in an interactive manner. Students can study an organized collection of electronic artifacts and information resources. A good virtual museum will provide information which the student can perform searches ranging from simple questions to those of greater depth. For inquiry project, students raise a question and do the research to support their assumption. They will have greater depth of knowledge as they can construct their own knowledge. This is a shift of paradigm where in the old approach, teachers give lecture and students bank information in their brain. Virtual museum can be a very good resource for students to search for knowledge to support their ideas.

Some more interesting virtual museums

National Museum of Women in the Arts

The Museum of Unnatural Mystery

Virtual Museum of Arts El Pais This is an award winning site.

Reference: Mindi Donaldson, Virtual Destinations and Student Learning in Middle School: A Case Study of a Biology Museum Online, 2006
12 Responses
  1. Joe Fields Says:

    I agree I think that student do become actively involved in there on learning by using computers and technology.

  2. JennRosas Says:

    I really like the idea of having students generate their own research and learning. It's a great forum to develop self-directed learning skills.

  3. Ornisa Says:

    Yes, the students become more interested in their lessons especially when they are assigned to do something on topics of their interest. Then, I think that they will use online resources more actively.

  4. Ornisa Says:

    I recently visited the schools in Australia. The students have to do their own research for many subjects. Australian schools use a lot of inquiry-based theory to base their teaching. What about in America?

  5. Virtual museum is interested tool for using in our class which can stimulate students to learn many more.

  6. Benjamas Says:

    Thank you for your information. . Students will learn many things while they go through virtual mesuems. I think students will learn a lot of things and they will enjoy using this tools in class or at home. As you mentioned that they will have greater depth of knowledge as they can construct their own knowledge. It is very powerful tool. :)

  7. I think virtual museum is very interesting because it can help students learn in depth. This is very useful for teaching in this present-day that the idea of teaching now must help students learn in depth.

  8. Ornisa,
    Although, I didn't know all this tool but I believe this interesting things and enhance students' learning including useful of learning this as well. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Ornisa Says:

    Yes, virtual museum can be a powerful tool if we apply it appropriately in our lessons. Students will be engaged in their learning by traveling through the museum.

  10. Ornisa Says:

    Thank you for your comment. Yes, I believe that virtual mesuem can create deep learning in students.

  11. JennRosas Says:


    I love the idea that Australian schools are using inquiry-based learning. I am not sure about schools in the US. I'll see if I can find out.

  12. Ornisa Says:

    To help you understand more about virtual museum, please click to the links I provided to visit the online museums. You will know what they are.