Making Interdisciplinary Lessons with Natural History Museums

American Museum of Natural History

This museum contains collections of specimens and cultural artifacts. Surfing through the collections which include more than 30 million items can be a great experience for students to learn about life forms and cultures on earth.

Possible activity in the classroom: Have students explore the fossils in the Fossil Halls and then ask them to use Microsoft Publisher to make a four-page illustrated brochure with informative and inviting messages about fossil halls. This activity integrates elements of Social Studies, Science, Technology and English into one assignment.

The Worldwide Museum of Natural History

The Worldwide Museum of Natural History (WMNH) is an online museum of photo galleries that features excellent educational products for schools and homes. New galleries and updates are added every month. Categories of exhibits are Vertebrate Life Galleries; Invertebrate Life Galleries; Planetary Science and Astronomy Galleries; and Gem and Mineral Galleries.

Possible activity in the classroom: Encourage students to visit the Dinosaurs Galleries in the Vertebrate Life Galleries. Then have them click the image of Dreamstar's Dinosaurs and draw their own imaginary dinosaurlike creature from the photographs they see and write about extinction. Students will learn Science and apply drawing skills in the task.

6 Responses
  1. Ornisa, it's great. I think, this tool will prompt students to learn and participate in lesson.

  2. JennRosas Says:


    Great ideas. I can imagine students completing these exercises and having fun while learning. Have you tried anything like this before?

  3. Joe Fields Says:


    great lesson, I think that it is a sure way to engage student. Have you had any history with this prior to your blog?

  4. Ornisa Says:

    Hi All,
    As you mentioned fun element and engaging students, these two perspectives are very important in the classroom. I'm sure that the virtual museum can make the lesson very successful. And no I've never used it before as I'm not teaching staff but I will suggest my colleagues to use it.

  5. Your this Virtual Museum help the class of science to be amazing and interested to learn.

  6. In my opinion, the great benefit of this technology tool is students can learn more than one subject in the same time. Therefore, it's very interesting to bring it to use in teaching nowadays.