My Last Posting About Flickr

This will be my last posting about Flickr. I have taken “Virtual Museums” for my next topic. This week I will talk about Flickr in Thailand from my views and small interview; also I have provided the links to Flickr pages where teachers posted their school works and to a few lesson plans using Flickr.

My Reflection on Flickr

When I first got Flickr for my blog topic, I asked IT staff in my school about it. One of them did not know what Flickr was whereas the other two staff know that it was a kind of online picture storage. They could not state clearly though what it could do in Education. One IT staff gave a useful answer for the use of Flickr in business world. He told me that the company could present their work through Flickr and invited the customers to see it there. It is another way to showcase their work. Do I know it myself in ther first place? The answer was ‘no’. I had to do the research on this and especially what it could help us in education. I found that many teachers have tried to incorporate Flickr in their lessons. What about the teachers in my school? I went to the computer teachers first. All of them have never introduced Flickr to students and never used it. Some of them don’t know Flickr at all. For other subject teachers, I randomly checked the lesson plans and couldn’t find anybody using Flickr.

I think Flickr is not quite popular in Thailand. People use Facebook more for their social networking and photo gallery. If they do use Flickr in the education terms, mostly they do it to show their school work or for other people to keep track of the school’s events. Teachers rarely incorporate Flick into their instruction. So far as I’ve been through a good amount of uses Flickr in the classroom, I will introduce this technological tool to the teachers in my school in the school magazine. I hope that it will help add colors to their lessons and can bring any dull lessons to life.

Links to Flickr Images Relating to Classroom Ideas

Links to Lesson Plans Using Flickr

  • Pamela AuCoin, a teacher teaching World History at Queens High School for the Sciences at York College in New York talks about incorporating Flickr in her lesson ‘Propaganda during the Russian Revolution’. Students search for images, post them onto Flickr and then exchange comments relating to the topic. Ms. Aucoin gives a clear steps for the class. See

  • A teacher assigns students to use Flickr to record observations of the life cycle of a plant. Click here for a complete lesson plan for the class.

7 Responses
  1. Joe Fields Says:

    Ornisa, Thank you for educatng me flickr, just like the staff at your school I was clueless on the the topic, thanks to your Blog i now have insight. Good Job I look foward to following your next topic “Virtual Museums”.

  2. Thank you very much for blackground knowledge about Flickr. Although I didn't use it but I got some knowledge. Previously, I didn't have knowledge at all.

  3. JennRosas Says:


    I have learned a lot from the information you provided about Flickr-thank you. I look forward to learning about Virtual Museums!

  4. Leigh Says:

    Ornisa, thank you for wrapping up what you have learned about Flickr. You really helped educate me about the program.

  5. Ornisa Says:

    Thank you all for checking out my blog. I'm glad that it helps you guys.

  6. I think youy Flickr can help to make the learning be colourful. Examples, activity which teacher take the students to field trip and make a report for summarizing the important information and compounding images which is presented attractively by this tool.

  7. JennRosas Says:


    I look forward to reading your posts about virutal museums.